A self-confessed obsessive shoe collector, Dildeep Kalra dabbles in fashion as she does in food, with the ease of a veteran. Director at Massive Restaurants, and Founder & Promoter of a fashion app StyleHorn, the Chandigarh born diva puts together gourmet meals for her family when she finds time between her professional commitments. The bolognese sauce that the sassy lady rustles up in her kitchen has the stamp of approval of ace-restaurateur, and Masterchef India judge, and husband, Zorawar Kalra. Even as she embarks on a new journey with the just-launched Rivers to Oceans (R20), Massive Restaurants’ latest venture, home to the country’s first champagne-and-caviar bar, we get a peek into what keeps Dildeep’s refrigerator full with #DSSCFridgeDiaries.
DSSC’s Fridge Diaries is your inside scoop on the food habits of the country’s milieu of crème de la crème individuals. Breakfast to supper, binge eating to cleanse, water to wine, we track a culinary day in their lives, revealing the coup on how these powerhouse peeps wield their forks. The Fridge Diaries investigate their refrigerator to get a lowdown on their food quirks and explore their personal foodscape.