"We extend boundaries of creativity by harnessing the power of online and the intimacy of offline."
A tiny spark – one great idea – is all you need for a big bang.
We started India’s first secretly run supper club in 2013. The first tiny spark. Everything was kept secret to bust an industry myth that founder-driven concepts generate buzz. We said nah…product > person.
Today, The Ideas Lab is a team of creative marketers who love deconstructing brand challenges. We offer award-winning marketing solutions that help brands position themselves better in a crowded market. We transform business and consumer insights into powerful & memorable experiences. We believe the story needs to be simple, the execution must be fun, and the consumer’s curiosity must be tickled.
It’s here that the madhatters unite, over cups of coffee and creative jams aplenty. Here, we tinker about to bring to life inventive, tailor-made solutions.
This is the place where all the magic happens, and this is us throwing our doors open and saying “Welcome to the creative madhouse!”

Meet The Founder
Hot Off The Press
The Ideas Lab is a creative marketing agency that’s building India’a experience economy.
We craft social constructs that bring fascinating brands closer to a targeted, discerning & spending audience.
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