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Monday Morning Tunes To Beat The Blues

Manic Mondays, Monday Madness, Monday Blues – we’ve all been victim to that oh-so-familiar feeling walking into work post a glorious Sunday siesta. Being a team split 50:50 over tea and coffee, it usually takes us multiple Americanos and cups of herbal tea to get wired before our weekly team meet. However, being a team 100 percent in favor of music, it only takes one song to get us up and going, and looking forward to another smashing week.

Here’s bringing you the DSSC Monday Morning Playlist. Hear it now, thank us later.


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Mamma Mia by ABBA

Usually the first into the office everyday, you can always find this timeless classic playing on Miss Strawberry’s laptop as she shoots out emails and sorts out her weekly calendar while maintaining the balance of food pyramids with smoothies. This quintessential feel good song by one of the most successful pop bands of the 70s gets our feet tapping any day of the week.


Eye of the Tiger by Survivor

Walking into work with his backpack full of more gizmos than Inspector Gadget himself, you will always hear this tune blaring from Mr. Tech Meister’s headphones as he sets up his multiple screens before getting lost in the matrix that is the world wide web.


Beat It by Michael Jackson

Staying true to her name, Ms. Moonwalking Marketer glides her way into work every Monday with her fingers snapping and head bobbing to this classic tune by the legendary MJ. Did someone say dance-off?


Wannabe by Spice girls

With her trendy tunic dress and nails shining bright, and a hairdo that could last through the night, you’ll often find our resident self-appointed team stylist Ms. Fashionista breaking into an impromptu dance during the day to this 90s pop classic. You wanna, you wanna, you wanna – we know you wanna.


B**ch Better Have my Money by Rihanna

You know it’s time to get down to work when our very own number crunching Miss Bacon starts playing this track post our weekly meet. With her sleeves rolled up and reading glasses on, this number gets her juices flowing and blood pumping to crunch our company numbers week after week.


Best Day of My Life by American Authors

Usually Mister Grumpy, all it takes is his morning cuppa Joe and this heart-warming Indie rock track on repeat to get Mister Brew’s feet tapping and brain churning out ideas for our next secret event. It’s like he says, “If you hear it enough, you’ll start believing it.”


Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars

Always the life of the party and the one with a perpetual song in his heart, you can’t miss Mister Brew as he hops and dances his way into our paradise of productivity with this song blasting from his headphones. With an outlook that treats everyday like it’s a Friday, he’s got us tapping and clapping to this Bruno Mars hit.


Do you have your own Monday Morning playlist that brings out the go-getter in you week after week? Share it with us on We’ll thank you for life!